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Before you read this article, give yourself two minutes and


阅读理解七选五 (厦门一中 康美华)
Before you read this article, give yourself two minutes and do as follows: Take a deep breath, pay attention to your heartbeat, and close your eyes. 
... Okay, welcome back.
In those moments, did you feel the silence that was within you? It's the type of silence where your mind travels beyond your body.  1   Being in a state of true awareness is like being in love --- we're all capable of experiencing it, but our experiences are all different.  2  
Awareness is staying fully present and witnessing ourselves in each moment, without judgment.  3   Put your awareness into every act, every moment. Feel the hot shower, evening breeze, food, water, sky, people on the road ——all that surrounds you. 
How you deal with your daily emotions will have a major impact on your relationship with your awareness. I recommend adding an intention to be in touch with your awareness.  4   A meditation (冥想) with a right intention has amazing effects. While you choose to be in touch with your awareness, don't fight against your emotions. I want you to laugh and cry as a natural flow of your lifestyle. There will be days when you feel like you have no idea what you are doing with your life.  5   There will be conflicting desires -- simply acknowledge all of them and be patient." So every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to sleep, simply take few minutes to meditate, and I promise, you will really start to feel the flow of awareness. 
A. That silence is your awareness.
B. Open your heart to new experiences. 
C. This will make the process smoother.
D. I wrote a book dealing with awareness. 
E. So whatever you see -- see it with awareness.
F. Be okay with the contradictory messages within.
G. Finding that awareness means you're in touch with your real self.