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假设你是高一学生李华,高中入学以来,英语老师要求每位学生定期背诵英语课文,但你对此不太赞同,对于每次的背书任务很是苦恼。请给一个英语杂志的建议专栏(Advice Colum)的编辑Cathy写封信,向她寻求帮助。要点包括:
1. 倾诉你的问题;
2. 询问Cathy对背英语课文的看法;
3. 向Cathy寻求建议。
注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Cathy, 
Li Hua
Dear Cathy,
As a Senior One student with a big problem in my English study, I'm writing to ask you for some advice.
Since we entered high school, we have been required by our English teacher to recite English passages. Some of the passages, which are not only long but also difficult, took me a lot of time and hard work. Don't you feel it's a waste of time as well? Do you agree that it's a better way to simply read the passages aloud repeatedly than recite them word by word?
I do need your advice on whether I should go on with the reciting task, and I'll appreciate it if you offer me more guidance on learning English well.
Li Hua