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1. W: It is a sunny day, right?    
  M: Yes, it is.
2. M: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office?  
  W: Sure. It’s on Zhongshan Road, next to the library.
3. W: Can I help you?   
  M: I’d like some dumplings.
4. W:I have a new friend. She is Gina.
  M: What does she look like?
  W: She is a little bit heavy.
5. W: Tom, what did you do yesterday?  
  M:I just stayed at home and did my homework.
6. M: Where did you go last summer vacation, Linda?  
  W: I went to the Great Wall.
7. W: Hi, Jack. What do you usually do when it is raining? 
  M: I’d like to watch TV at home. How about you, Mary?  
  W: I like reading books.
W: Excuse me. Is there a hotel near here?   
M: Yes, there is one on Center Street. It’s across from the bank.
W: Thank you very much.
M: You’re welcome.
M: Can I help you?   
W:I want to have some ice-cream.
M: What kind of ice-cream do you like?
W: I’d like strawberry ice-cream.
M: We have small, medium and large bowls. What size would you like?
W:A small bowl is just right for me!
    I have a lovely sister. She’s only three years old. Her name is Gina Brown. She has a round face, two big eyes and a small nose. Her hair is blonde and short. She likes to wear her red dress. She likes animals and toys. She has a blue toy bear. We all love her very much. 
    I have two good friends. They are Bob and Cindy. Let me tell you something about them. Bob is a cook. He is very busy every day. But yesterday he went to Hangzhou on vacation. Cindy likes sports. She went to the gym to watch an exciting football game. Then she had a medium bowl of noodles in a restaurant. They had a good time. 
    I had a happy day last Sunday. I got up at half past seven .I had breakfast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast, I did my homework at home. Then I went to the library with my brother. There I did some reading. In the afternoon I visited my friend. We went to a movie together. We really had a good time. In the evening I went for a walk in the park after dinner. Then I watched TV for an hour and a half. At 10:30,I was a little bit tired.